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 About Me

Juliet's avatar

The Girl:
Juliet, Julie, Jules. 27. 5'3". Proud Canadian and Toronto resident. University girl no longer, recent addition to the real world. Capricorn on the cusp of Aquarius. Owner of 1 blog, 1 website, and 1 fanlisting, which is enough for now. Insane. Honest. Loyal. Caring. Occasionally witty. Dreamer. Realist. Dork. Oxymoron. Walking contradiction. Addicted to Buffy, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Our Lady Peace, Savage Garden, movies, various movie people, fanlistings, fanfiction, the Internet, and addictions.
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Blogger Profile
Blogger code: B9 d- t- k s+ u-- f- i o+ e- l+ c (decode)
Geek code: GB d-@ s: a-- C++ U? P L E? W++ N o? K- w+ O? M V? PS(++) !PE Y PGP- t !5 X+ !R tv+ b+ DI-- D+ G e>++(*) h! !r x? (decode)
Buffy geek code: OS++ FB= VAus DCa++ S+++ MU+++ N+ CS(B/A, Wi/O, Wi/T, X/Ay) US+ FF+ SP W+ II 2.22

i'm in ravenclaw!

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I'm a fan of...
Obsession, schmobsession

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The Earworms
The Fonts

One of the most memorable short stories I've ever read, and hence, one of my favorites -- go here to read it.

Vandalize my Graffiti Wall

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LAUNCHcast Radio

The Movies:
The Infamous MovieList
The DVD Collection

The Books:
My Collection
The Reading List

The Game Collection

-5232 days 'til DH1

 Ask Juliet!

Ask me something and I'll answer it the next time I blog! :)



Buffy: Monsters
Canadian Capitals
Chemical Symbols
Children's Books
Harry Potter
Lord of the Rings
Lord of the Rings (Easy)
Movie Music
Pirates of the Caribbean
Places in Middle-earth
Princess Bride

Lord of the Rings #1
Lord of the Rings #2
Lord of the Rings #3
Phantom of the Opera
Pirates of the Caribbean
Sin City
Tori Amos
Veronica Mars


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<?Pirate's Life For Me#>
Straight But Not Narrow
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Thank you for visiting my blog! :D

Created by: Juliet
© 2002-present
Hosted by: blog*spot

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 Sunday, October 24, 2004

Question time
1. What's your HSX portfolio worth and what's the most valuable movie stock you're currently holding?
I haven't been keeping up with my HSX stocks enough lately, so I'm not doing as well as I could be. :P But anyway, my portfolio's current net worth is H$7,421,103.46, and my highest-valued MovieStock is Spider-Man 3 (SPID3) at H$172.92/share.

2. Don't miss the total lunar eclipse this Wednesday night!
I'll try not to; thanks for the reminder! :)

 Friday, October 22, 2004

Survey time
[ + ]first grade teacher's name: Ms. Stone, who eventually became Mrs. Eastman.
[ + ]last word you said: "Really?"
[ + ]last song you sang: Something I don't know the name of.
[ + ]last thing you laughed at: The fact that the color on the special red part of the new Canadian limited edition colored coins comes off if you rub it a little bit.
[ + ]last time you cried: I can't remember.

[ + ]what's in your CD player: Pandemoniumfromamerica.
[ + ]what color socks are you wearing: White, actually, though I don't usually wear socks at home.
[ + ]what's under your bed: The floor and half of a puzzle.
[ + ]what time did you wake up today: 10:38

[ + ]what is your career going to be: How the crap should I know?
[ + ]where are you going to live: Earth.
[ + ]how many kids do you want: I don't know. Would I even want any? *shrugs* Are they good kids or bad kids?
[ + ]what kind of car will you drive: Probably something practical. Hopefully it won't be too hard to park.

[ + ]current hair: Pretty much how it always looks.
[ + ]current clothes: PJs.
[ + ]current annoyance: My head. Never-ending assignments and projects.
[ + ]current longing: Lack of headaches, enough sleep, an end to the never-ending assignments and projects, time to breathe.
[ + ]current desktop picture: The Lord of the Nazgûl...ROTK special extended edition DVD, December 14.
[ + ]current favorite music artist: Our Lady Peace.
[ + ]current book: The same books that have been current for the last two months, damn it. I'm on Appendix E of The Lord of the Rings (the last one is F), plus a few other books that I've started and have yet to finish.
[ + ]current worry: The aforementioned never-ending assignments and projects.
[ + ]current hate: See above.
[ + ]story behind your username: Been my nickname since 1996 when I saw a movie, got the Internet, and needed a screenname.
[ + ]current favorite article of clothing: My old blue hooded jacket sweater. It doesn't necessarily look that good, but it's comfy.
[ + ]favorite physical feature on a guy: Depends on the guy. Probably the eyes, though.
[ + ]line from the last thing you wrote to someone: "Maybe this'll cheer [you] up a bit".
[ + ]I am happiest when: Um, when I have a reason to be happy...? When people I care about are happy, that generally makes me happy, too.
[ + ]I feel lonely when: People don't understand what I'm saying and when I don't understand what other people are saying.
[ + ]favorite authors: Roald Dahl, Shakespeare, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling.
[ + ]sex or love: I would suspect it'd be Love. (P.S. Why is this under "Current"??)
[ + ]favorite coffee: Uh, Moccacino? Or you know, any coffee that doesn't actually have any coffee in it would be great.
[ + ]favorite smell: My mom's cooking; soap.
[ + ]what makes you mad: Young people who smoke. Litterers and people who don't clean up after themselves in public areas. When people move or change something of mine around for no reason other than it wasn't in the configuration that they preferred for my stuff.
[ + ]favorite way to waste time: I don't LIKE to waste time, it just happens on its own. The ways that happens mostly have to do with my computer.
[ + ]what is your best quality: How should I know? Ask my friends and/or family, I suppose. Hopefully they'd have something good to say about me...
[ + ]are currently in love/lust: Nah.
[ + ]what's the craziest thing you have ever done: Crazy? I don't do crazy. Well, at least not in this sense.
[ + ]any bad habits: Of course.
[ + ]do you find it hard to trust people: Sometimes. It depends what we're talking about.
[ + ]last thing you bought yourself: Premiere magazine.
[ + ]bath or shower: And again, WHY is this in the "Current" section? I'm clearly not in either at the moment. Anyway, I usually shower.
[ + ]favorite season: Fall. Zizzie says Spring is more hopeful, but I think Fall is, too – it's the ending of a cycle, but you know the next cycle's just around the corner. Or, well, 6 months away, if you live in Canada.
[ + ]favorite color: Purple, blue, black...depends.
[ + ]favorite flavor: Uh, for what? I guess chocolate, or strawberry, or peach, depending what for.
[ + ]favorite time of day: After midnight, but it depends whether I'm awake then because I want to be or because I have to be.
[ + ]gold or silver: Silver, usually.
[ + ]any secret crushes: Not on anyone I actually know, no.

[ + ]how many coats and jackets do you own: 7 or 8, I think? Hey, I'm Canadian; we have a lot of Winter here…
[ + ]do you wear a watch: Yeah, I'd go insane if I didn't.
[ + ]favorite pants color: I'm supposed to have a favorite pants color?
[ + ]most expensive item of clothing: Probably either my prom dress or one of my coats. I can't remember, and don't really have anything expensive that I can think of.
[ + ]most treasured: See "current favorite article of clothing".

[ + ]last book you read: All of The Lord of the Rings, up to Appendix E.
[ + ]last movie you saw: Phone Booth
[ + ]last movie you saw on the big screen: Hero
[ + ]last show you watched on TV: ER
[ + ]last song you heard: some Avril Lavigne song that was on the car radio.
[ + ]last thing you had to drink: Orange juice.
[ + ]last thing you ate: Rice.
[ + ]last time you showered: This morning.
[ + ]last time you smiled: I don't know, probably the last time I laughed.
[ + ]last person you hugged: Mum.
[ + ]last person you talked to online: Someone in one of my classes.
[ + ]last person you talked to on the phone: Mum, but that was just to tell her I was coming home. Before that, the last person I talked to was my brother.
[ + ]last thing you smelled: Nothing.

[ + ]smoke: No.
[ + ]drink: No, not really.
[ + ]have sex: No.
[ + ]sleep with stuffed animals: No, I'd just knock them off the bed anyway.
[ + ]have a boyfriend/girlfriend: No.
[ + ]have a dream that keeps coming back: No.
[ + ]play an instrument: Yes, technically I play the piano and the flute, though one of those I haven't touched in about 3 years.
[ + ]believe there is life on other planets: Sure.
[ + ]read the newspaper: Yes, when I have a chance.
[ + ]have any gay or lesbian friends: Not really.
[ + ]believe in miracles: Sure.
[ + ]consider yourself tolerant: Depends what we're talking about.
[ + ]consider police a friend or foe: A friend, unless they're trying to catch people for going 60 in a 50 km/hr zone right next to a church on a Sunday morning.
[ + ]like the taste of alcohol: Mostly, no.
[ + ]have a favorite stooge: No.
[ + ]believe in astrology: No.
[ + ]believe in magic: Yes, of course.
[ + ]pray: Yes.
[ + ]go to church: Yeah.
[ + ]have any secrets: Doesn't everyone? Actually, I can't really think of anything, but I'm sure there's SOMEthing...
[ + ]have any pets: No.
[ + ]go or plan to attend college: Yes. Bloody assignments. Arrrgh!
[ + ]talk to strangers: Yeah, sometimes.
[ + ]have any piercings: No.
[ + ]have any tattoos: Nope.
[ + ]hate yourself: Not usually.
[ + ]wish on stars: If I could see any in the city, I might.
[ + ]like your handwriting: Sure, unless it's something I've written in a terrible hurry.
[ + ]believe in witches: Yeah, why not?
[ + ]believe in ghosts: Ooh, I hope not. *shudders*
[ + ]believe in Santa: No, 'cause the presents always turned up under the tree before Christmas.
[ + ]believe in the Easter bunny: No. How did that whole idea come about in the first place, anyway?
[ + ]believe in the tooth fairy: Nah, but it was fun to put my teeth under my pillow anyway.
[ + ]have a second family: My friends are my extended family. My extended family that I sometimes don't see enough...
[ + ]trust others easily: More or less, but it depends, like I said before.
[ + ]sing in the shower: When I remember to, oddly enough. I'm usually too preoccupied with thinking Really Deep Thoughts (or really silly ones, which is equally likely).

 Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Version 2.11
New layout, which I've been wanting to put up for, oh, a month now? Since the beginning of Fall? Oh well, beter late than never. Then again, since Daylight Savings Time ends Oct. 31, we're not "falling back" for another 2 weeks or so, so maybe this layout isn't late, it's early. Hehe. I like my logic.

Anyway, got a lot of readings to catch up on before my test, so I'm gonna keep doing that now. Talk to you later!

 Saturday, October 16, 2004

HOW long 'til December 14...?
Dudes!! There's a new sneak preview video of ROTK extended up at LordOfTheRings.Net! Don't watch it, though, if you don't like spoilers...I watched about half of it, then stopped because, while I do already know what happens and such, I don't need to SEE it in advance. :) Guess I like the suspense of waiting...

Anyway, just thought I'd share, lol. Gotta go - Dom Monaghan's gonna be on TV aaany minute now (on a talk show called Jimmy Kimmel Live, which I've never actually watched before, but I figure now's as good a time as any). :)


 Wednesday, October 13, 2004



...came in the mail for me this morning. How exciting! And it is now the strangest, most random CD in my collection. :)

Track Listing
1. Den Gang Jeg Drog Afsted
2. Back to Babylon
3. Pandemoniumfromamerica
4. Gone
5. They Ate Your Family
6. I Want Mami
7. Red River Valley
8. Leave It
9. Holyhead
10. Fall of Troy
11. Shadow
12. Cuba on Paper
13. Maybe
14. Half Fling

Order Here / More Info Here

 Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I want to live under a rock
Right. Well, this assignment isn't going to get any better, ever, so I'm just going to print the stupid thing and move on. I'm serious: the thing is hideous, and I really have no clue whatsoever what I was even trying to do and quite frankly, I can tell you all now that whatever I DID do was wrong. Just plain W-R-O-N-G. Now, I know I've complained, whined, self-deprecated, or what have you in past instances, but THIS time, I really MEAN it. I'm not kidding in the slightest; I'm handing in an awful assignment tomorrow morning, and there's nothing I can do about it. It's a ridiculous assignment to give for a friggin' 10%, too. Hath thou no mercy, whichever evil university god is responsible for this?

On tomorrow's agenda (a.k.a., what's due Wednesday):
- Astronomy quiz (which I have to do online by tomorrow night)
- Finance assignment (which I had planned to get done last week so I wouldn't have to worry about it, but CLEARLY I can't plan properly)
- Theory&Policy assignment (which I have yet to actually look at and wouldn't know what to do with anyway)

Had the house all to myself today and couldn't even take advantage of it. That's just wrong. Alone house-time and I don't even get to have quiet reading time, watch really old videos, or otherwise profit from it? There is no justice in the world. :) I did make peanut butter cookies though, this morning. Just because I was so incredibly bored and still had (have) absolutely no idea how to proceed with the Mgmt. Accounting assignment.

Such is the life. There's a reason I called this week Hell-ish...

I feel stupid and contageous...

 Saturday, October 09, 2004

Are we compatible?
I've finally edited the template so that my blog doesn't look like crap in resolutions other than 800x600. There's nothing I can do about making this compatible to the 640x480 resolution, but really, how many people could be using that?

So yes; thankfully the header image isn't swimming off to one side anymore...AND each of the three columns is equidistant from the others instead of there being a larger gap between two of them. Symmetry is nice sometimes.

In other news, I have zero to negative ability to work today, which is utterly awful since I really need to. Heelllllp!!

 Thursday, October 07, 2004

Sick and tired
Yeah, I think I may have the beginnings of a cold or something. Not good. This is the time when I have to work on all those assignments due only a few days from now. Too bad my immune system's not really cooperating all that well. Could be worse, though; at least I don't have that awful cough/difficult breathing problem Susan's been having... :/

Apparently I was more nervous to do our group presentation today than I realized; while I was doing my part of the presentation, I could feel myself shaking while I talked, and after I was finished I was still shaking. Weirdest thing. Never happened like that before. I was just like "Um, what's going on? What's wrong with me?" Really, I don't remember ever having that happen before, even in my ultra-ultra-shy days...

At least my presentation can provide me with one [slightly] amusing tidbit: last night, when I was reading through my part aloud, I was supposed to say "Canada and the US, Europe, Central and South America, and the Middle East." But, wouldn't you know it -- I said "and the Middle-earth" instead. Ay carumba! I couldn't believe I said it. But there it is; the definitive proof that I really AM a geek, if you still needed proof. Could also have been because it was 1:00 AM and I was a little out of it... :)

Okay, gotta go read a case for Management Accounting class so I can work on it with my group (not the same group I presented with today...that was for Business Information Systems class) tomorrow. BAH!

 Tuesday, October 05, 2004

For a grand total of...$18
Whee, I got my first ever Visa bill in the mail today. And for some weird reason, that makes me feel special. Teehee.

Listed on BlogShares
 Version 9.18

Title: Allons-y!
Fandom/Subject: Doctor Who
Fonts used: Impact
Inspired by/text from: Doctor Who

Past layouts

 MP3 Request Line

Do I happen to have an mp3 of a song that you want? Check my list here and see if there's anything you need. Send me your e-mail address and state the song you want and I'll send the mp3 to you using, or SendSpace. :)

Music I need
There are the mp3s I'm looking for. If you have any of these and wouldn't mind sharing it with me, please use, or SendSpace to send it to me at verbatim119[at] Thanks much! :D

- none right now

 Current Conditions

Right now, I am:
feeling: Juliet's current imood
reading: n/a. Last completed: City of Glass.
working on: keeping optimistic
listening to: LAUNCHcast Radio

Last week's top artists juliet_a's Weekly Artists Chart
( More? )

loving: stories
not liking: uncertainty
- Shutter Island
- Alice in Wonderland
- Deathly Hallows
( view complete list with dates )

Uppers and downers:
Ý new friends
Ý fiction

ßß the unknown
ßß lethargy

Most recent purchase(s):
eBay gift for a friend

Lesson #65: When you are running late or you are low on time, you will always be driving behind the slowest car possible.

Last download: Vampire Weekend albums

Last movie seen at a theater:
The Princess Bride

Last movie seen on video/other:

Quote of the moment:
"We were frightened of being left alone for the rest of our lives. Only people of a certain disposition are frightened of being alone for the rest of their lives at the age of 26…we were of that disposition." — High Fidelity

Lyrics of the moment:
I miss Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Oh God I miss that show

Misspelling/factual/grammatical error of the moment:
"Visitors Parking"

Pages left in my journal: 118
To Do list: here

Current desktop and Winamp skin (click to expand):

moon phases

Online? Online Status


My sites:
Colorblind Fanlisting

Friends' blogs:
Mihi scribendum est // Antheia
Kitty's Korner // Chloe
le Kat // Kyasuriin
An Idea's Bulletproof // Elizabeth
Ego Verum // Gr8Gonzo

Occupation: Girl
Television Without Pity
Celebrity Baby Blog
Go Fug Yourself

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